Stage 4 ovarian cancer. My mum hasn't started treatment yet but keeps vomiting after she drinks anything

My mum just diagnosed stage four ovarian with metastatic omentum, peritoneum, liver and bowel. She has not yet started chemo but is vomiting bile and fluids after she drinks anything. No appetite. I’ve called and left messages for her oncology nurse and the dept but no answer. How concerning is this?

  • Hi and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your mum's recent diagnosis, this must be a difficult time for you and your family.

    It does sound like your mum needs to be assessed to make sure she is not getting dehydrated. Do keep trying the nurse specialist, you could also let her GP know and see if they will see her urgently.

    If you are not hearing back from anyone and you are concerned, you can contact 111 for advice or call an ambulance for her to be seen in A and E.

    I hope this helps and your mum is seen soon.

    Best wishes
