Coughing in MRI scan


I have had a tickly cough for several weeks, mostly in the evening. However, I had an MRI scan for my brain tumour over the weekend & started coughing in the middle of it! I pressed the buzzer & they stopped the scan. The radiographer assured me it would be ok, but Im really wortied Ive messed up my scan. I assume they would call me back if the scan wasnt clear? I hope you can put my mind at rest! Im also scared this will happen again, any tips would be appreciared

Thank you


  • Hello Clementine and thank you for your post. 

    Please be reassured that if the MRI picture is not clear for any reason you will be told and may be asked to repeat it. Please be reassured by what the radiographer has said to you.

    If ever you need to have a scan again and are concerned that you might start coughing during it mention it to the radiographers before you have it. They will hopefully reassure you that, that will be okay.

    I hope this has helped. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care
