
Good morning,

My husband is on oral morphine and has had constipation for over a week.  The pharmacist told him to take Lactulose which hasn't helped.  The Registrar suggested Senna but told him if that did not help to see his GP.  I cannot get an appointment with the GP and have been told to take him to A&E.  I cannot possibly take him to A&E with constipation, they will laugh me out of the unit.

Could you please suggest something that I can buy?  He is drinking water and has eaten prunes, nothing is working and he is feeling sick.

Thank you.

  • Hi Lynnet, I am sorry your husband is suffering from severe constipation.

    I had an awful time with my bowels during my chemo and the nurses gave me Laxido. They are sachets that you mix with water. I was told that for severe issues you can take up to 6 a day but you would need to check that out.

    With regard to taking him to A&E, they would treat this as a serious issue and certainly not laugh at you for bringing him to the department.

    Good luck to you both x

  • Offline in reply to Cah60

    Thank you so much!  I have bought a box of Laxido x

  • Offline in reply to Cah60

    Thank you so much.  I have bought a box of Laxido x

  • Offline in reply to Cah60

    My dear I suffer with constipation badly after chemo I take.stool softener and senna other sometimes one week go by no result am also on oxycoðene very uncomfortable even trying to push out stools Lamido are not alone stay blessed

  • Offline in reply to Maudy

    Thank you so much Maudy x

  • Hi Lynnet

    I am sorry to hear about your husband’s constipation and I can appreciate the concern you have.

    I would advise you to take him to the A&E as recommended by your GP.

    Constipation can be a serious matter if not treated appropriately; especially when it is giving him side effects such as nausea.

    Doctors and nurses in A/E are professionals who will see his constipation as a serious side effect of his cancer treatment and medication.

    You have tried to treat it at home but have been unsuccessful and now you may require medical intervention.

    I hope you can get this sorted out soon. 

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards   
