9mm thick lining

I’ve just had a horrendous hysteroscopy, they took biopsies as my lining is 9mm. I’m 52 and going through the menopause. 

I’ve had the mirena coil put in, I bled constantly, then put on kliovance which worked for about 2 months, so they then put me on kliofem which hasn’t made any difference. I’m constantly bleeding, it’s ruining my life. I have to wait 2 weeks for results. 
I’m feeling tired, washed out and quite suicidal to be honest. My quality of life is zero, I’m always flooding, in pain and so miserable, my life isn’t worth living. Help 

  • Hello Shelley10

    I'm so very sorry to hear about the ongoing health problems that you're dealing with. From the information that you've shared in your post, it sounds like these symptoms have significantly impacted your daily life and it's understandable that you're struggling. 

    Please contact your GP tomorrow morning to request an urgent appointment to discuss your suicidal thoughts. I know that this may not help improve your physical symptoms right now but it's really important that you get some support with your mental health. If you don't feel able to make that call, then please talk with a friend or family member who can contact the GP surgery on your behalf. 

    I can see that you've posted in our Ask the Nurses topic area and I know that they will reply to your message as soon as they are able to. If you'd like to talk with them then they are back in the office tomorrow morning from 9am available on 0808 800 4040. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and support they can. 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting and uncertainty can be a difficult time. When you're having to cope with physical symptoms that impact your quality of life and leave you feeling so unwell, it is even harder. If you feel at any time the thoughts of suicide are becoming worrisome or you simply want to talk with someone about how you're feeling, then the Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123 or via a number of other contact options. 

    Undoubtedly things are difficult for you at the moment Shelley but you've taken the first steps in acknowledging just how overwhelmed you're feeling and in reaching out for support. I hope that you can find the strength to call your GP surgery tomorrow. Know that the Cancer Chat community is here to listen if it helps to have somewhere safe to share how you're feeling. 

    Sending you my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello Shelley10 and thanks for your post,

    The NHS advises that you contact the clinic when bleeding persists after a hysteroscopy .

    I can understand when symptoms are having such an impact on your wellbeing it can make things feel so overwhelming but hopefully the clinic will be able to advise you on your next steps.

    If you have managed to make an appointment with your GP then it is important that you let them know the impact it is having on your mental health. That is what your GP is there for.

    There is support that is available when you are feeling  distressed or suicidal. it is important that you share how you are feeling. As Jenn one of our moderators suggested the Samaritans are there to talk and support you through this difficult time. They are available 24 hours a day and have trained volunteers on the phone who can help when you are feeling down. You can read more about the Samaritans here. Their Freephone number is 116 123

    You may also find it helpful to look at the NHS website on suicidal thoughts and where to get other sources of help which you can see here

    I also hope that you have managed to share this all with a close family member or a friend so they can offer their support.

    I do very much hope that you are able to speak to someone today.

    You are so very welcome to ring and speak to one of the helpline nurses. Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the very best,
