Waiting time for surgery

A colonoscopy discovered sigmoid cancer on 4/4/24. I met colorectal surgeon on 22/4/24. I had CT colonography on 14/5/24 Test showed diagnosis of moderately differentiated high grade adenocarcinoma. Met surgeon 22/5/24. He advised that there was no metastasis but didn’t tell me staging or grading which I believe is low. Due to my existing renal and vascular complications he had referred me to hospital where the right amount of support would be available for surgery. 
i await an appointment with surgeons there and date of surgery. I’m concerned I will be in excess of safe waiting times for treatment of the cancer. 
Am I and what can I do? 

  • Hello Peterfs and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.

    I can understand how stressful this must be for you waiting to have treatment. I would ring the secretary of the new surgeon to find out how long your surgery is likely to be. I am not sure what effect transferring to another hospital will make on the time frame but it sounds like your team were keen that you were seen in a larger teaching hospital.

    We do have a page on our website about cancer waiting times

    If you don't manage to speak to the surgeon's secretary you could contact Pals (Patient advice and Liaison Service) and ask them to look in to it for you.

    I do hope that you manage to speak to someone soon.

    If you would like to ring and chat this through with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a call.

    Our number is freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Thank you Catherine. Yes I’m referred to a large teaching hospital where expertise and support better suits my position. I was told new consultation will be in two weeks (from 22/5/24) and then surgery within 6 weeks of  that date. I will wait until next week before contacting sec of old consultant as I don’t know new. I don’t want to talk to PALS. 

    i might call you next week..
