Vulva cancer/ sore or lesion

Since February I’ve been experiencing an itch on the vulva close to urethra I’ve been to the doctors twice they prescribed antibiotics but it hasn’t work I’ve had a fungal cream which hasn’t helped so I had an investigation with a mirror and next to my urethra is a hole bigger than the pee hole and it is extremely itchy sore tender, I had cin 3 cells on cervix 2 years ago and treatment for endometriosis at the end of march. What is it why has a hole appeared freaking out. 
any replies thank you x

  • Hi

    It may not be anything serious but any new changes that you notice to your vulva should be investigated. Make a face to face appointment with your GP and get it looked at. Take care. X

  • Thank you I am booking an appointment for Tuesday x

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I do hope that you have managed to make an appointment with your GP and they have been able to examine you and give you an opinion as to the cause of the hole.

    Try not to over think it for now. There may well  be a reasonable explanation for the cause but no one can give you an opinion on the forum. It is really only your GP who is involved in your care who may be able to tell you more.

    All the best,


  • Hiya I went this morning unfortunately not sure the nurse knew to much about the situation I mention VINN to her she didn’t seem to think it will travel ‍♀️has done another swap when she swabbed the area it was painful and I winced she apologised and was very friendly about it said nothing looked untoward but I can tell the difference in the vulva area and the itch has been ongoing for nearly 3 months 2 lots of antibiotics haven’t done anything. As for the hole she seemed to think not such a hole but an indent in the skin. I have a picture of said hole and it’s definitely a hole if there are any gyne nurses on here willing to take a look let me know. Thank you x

  • Hmmmm not sure I'd be very satisfied with that to be honest. I had VIN all over my vulva ( I also had CIN, VAIN & AIN) and for it to have been troubling you for 3 months... I'd probably try and get a second opinion if the swabs come back clear. X

  • I’m definitely not satisfied will be making another appointment when swabs are back to be referred somewhere that will deal with it. Could I ask what your symptoms were? Please did you ever have or hear of an open sore being related somehow? Thank you for your replies x

  • I would keep pushing in 2022 after months of trying to see a gp, fair enough I know it was covid time, I had call backs treated for water infection which I knew I didn’t have, then another call said I had thrush which I didn’t, when I finally got a gp appointment she took one look and said she would fast track me. I ended up having pre cancer cells vin stage 3 of the vulva for which I had the worst operation . 20 May 24 went for another check up things didn’t feel right and I have another operation for 7 June 24.

    i was so shocked I listened to the choices wide excursion of the vulva same as previous opp or a cream to apply which I could have but dr said it wasn’t very popular as it effects the immune system making you feel poorly with flue like symptoms and causes ulcerations where it’s applied, hence the second operation which the surgeon thought was more sensible.

    please don’t be fobbed of keep on, it’s sore and itchy and if you can look it appears as red with white spots similar to thrush but don’t move

  • Thank you for your reply hope the next surgery is done well with an easy recovery for you. It’s very scary to think what if I did just leave it but I can’t not knowing my history with the cin cells best to get it checked I mean everyone I’ve shown the picture so far has said that’s not right a hole has appeared next to urethra and I have bits of extra skin that have enlarged. thank you again x

  • I had intense itching and ulcerated areas all over my vulva. When I had biopsies most were VIN3 but the worst area was vulva cancer. There seems to be little or no information about it (especially for younger women - I was 36 when diagnosed) and healthcare professionals seem to never consider it and automatically assume thrush or infection. Keep pushing and let me know how you get on. X

  • Thank you for your help I will keep you updated x