Endocrine drugs and GPs

My GP has said he will no longer allow me to take Arimidex and has prescribed a generic Anastrozole.  When I was first prescribed an aromatase inhibitor I was given Letrozole.  I tried 2 of the generic Letrozole and suffered a lot of stiffness, etc which was so bad I had difficulty getting out of bed and was hunched over.  I felt so bad that I was about to give up on AIs until my then GP kindly prescribed Femara. 

I stayed on the Femara AI for over a year until I was getting palpitations etc. More recently I changed surgeries and I asked to be prescribed Arimidex, as I read it allowed some estrogen to remain in the system and was perhaps the 'kinder' of the 3 AIs.  I was prescribed this for 3 months and then diagnosed with heart problems and so stopped taking it.

My Oncologist suggested that I start taking Anastrozole again. My GP will now only prescribe the generic form of this drug, apparently due to budget constraints.  I do not want to go down the route, again, of extreme stiffness if I am forced by my GP to try a variety of generic Anastrozole as I am already suffering with a lot of stiffness in my shoulders, hips, knee, back etc and I have osteopenia which a DEXA scan has shown bone lose is worsening in the spine. Being forced to try a variety of generic versions of this, or any, drug is detrimental to the health care of me as the patient.

Do I have any rights to ask to return to Arimidex?  Is there a procedure that I could follow to make sure that I DO get the version of the drug that I want?

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    You mention your GP will only prescribe the generic form of Anastrozole, due to budget constraints. Doctors are sometimes obligated to prescribe certain brands of drugs set by their local practice. I'm not sure if they would be willing to do this but you can ask them about returning to Arimidex and explain again how the other version made you feel.

    You can also speak to the pharmacist about this when you hand in your prescription to see what their advice is.

    The charity Breast Cancer Now has an online forum where patients have  discussed this topic.

    I hope this is of some help. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
