Is this yoghurt safe to eat on chemo?

I normally buy Alpro Greek yogurt but am due to start chemo on Weds and not sure if this is safe to eat, it contains:

S. thermophilus, and  L. bulgaricus. 

Does anyone know? 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    It does seem to say in the information for patients receiving chemotherapy  that any yogurt that is labelled as bio or probiotic should be avoided and when you have a weakened immune system after the chemotherapy.

    You can read the Buckinghamshire NHS guidelines on food safety for people having chemotherapy

    I would check with your chemotherapy nurse or your oncologist to see what they advise. It might be slightly different with a plant based yogurt but I am afraid I can't find any information to back this up.

    We do have some information about the sort of foods that you should be eating to prepare for chemotherapy.

    I hope that some of this information may be helpful.

    If you would like to ring and speak to one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a call.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Hi,

    Many thanks for getting back to me with the helpful links, I appreciate it. 

    Best wishes,
