
Started hrt at aged sixty four and six months......still bleeding, sometimes heavy sometimes 'madness/depression ' is so much better...really don't want to revert to antidepressants++ with associated suicidal tendencies. Just had blood test for I need to pursue at doctors or can I wait six months to see if settles?

No bleeding prior to hrt

  • Hello and thank you for your post, 

    It sounds like you had a difficult time before you started on HRT.

    I was unsure of your exact situation, if your doctor is aware of the bleeding you are experiencing and if that's why they are checking your haemoglobin levels.

    Unfortunately, we cannot diagnose you or say the cause of the bleeding. However, it is common to have irregular vaginal bleeding with HRT which can take 6 months to settle. 

    If you are concerned, it might be worth having another chat with your doctor, as they know your situation they can reassure you or refer you for further tests if necessary.

    I hope your blood test is OK and the bleeding settles soon.

    Take care, all the best 
