Persistent HPV for years


I've now had HPV for over 3 years. Regular smears showing abnormal cells and regular colposcopies. The original results had borderline changes to now low grade dyskariosis with even more colposcopies. A nurse on the phone mentioned treatment as this seems to not shift

They said not to worry but mentioned preventative early cancer treatment which does send you to spiral over internet..

Is it normal that abnormal cells just persist for years?


  • Hello, and thanks for your post,

    I know that it can be worrying to hear the word preventative cancer treatment but as you are being closely monitored the aim of any treatment will be to stop cancer from developing.

    Abnormal cells are caused by the  HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). It is normally your own immunity that will get on top of this virus after about 2 years, but in some cases it can take a bit longer.

    There are different ways of treating abnormal cervical cells

    I am sure the colposcopy clinic will carry on monitoring you until everything returns to normal.

    There is not much that you can do other then trying to lead a healthy life and not smoke as this makes it harder to clear the virus.

    Do try not to worry too much and stay away from the internet which is so general  and will probably not reflect your own situation.

    if you would like to chat anything through with one of the nurses on the helpline you are welcome to give us a ring.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
