Tp53 anaplastic lymphoma

I have been diagnosed with the above condition it has come as complete shock . Apparently the prognosis is not good . 
I have agreed to chemo for 18 weeks but have just had my second one and I’m struggling with nausea tablets are not helping . 
I can’t stop thinking about dying and leaving all the people I love I’m 69 years old but thought I’d have longer . 

  • Hi Richand54, and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation this must be a difficult time for you and your family.

    It's worth speaking with someone from your hospital's medical team, for example, your nurse specialist (CNS), about the nausea. I don't know if there is somebody you could contact from the chemotherapy unit if the nausea is not being managed as they can prescribe something else for you.

    It sounds like it was a big shock to you when you got the diagnosis and I can imagine there is a lot for you to process. Although doctors can give a rough idea of what someone's outcome may be based on their experience, no one can say with any certainty. Everyone's situation is individual and prognosis will depend on how well someone responds to treatment, as well as other things such as how they are generally, and whether or not they have any other health conditions.

    A person can go through many feelings when faced with a life-limiting illness such as grief, uncertainty and sadness and there may be deep sorrow for the people who are close to them. If you need help with your emotions, you may find it helpful to talk through how you are feeling with a close friend or relative, or your team at the hospital may be able to put you in touch with someone. If your hospital has a Maggie's Centre they can provide support, and there is also some good advice on the Macmillan Cancer Support Website.

    For further information and support about your particular type of lymphoma, you may find it helpful to contact the Lymphoma Association.

    I hope this helps a little, if you would like to talk about things with one of the nurses on our helpline, the freephone number is 0808 800 4040. The lines are open mon-fri, 9-5 (not bank holidays).

    Take care,
