
My partner was recently diagnosed with cancer and has now started his first chemotherapy round. But I’m slowly getting angrier with our local hospital they are unconcerned with him! The sprang the chemotherapy on him without preparing him for it. The chemotherapy treatment book was only given on day 1, they didn’t give him enough information about this medication or time before requesting him signed the informed consent form, and initially wanted him to sign it without giving him any information, they just gave him information leaflets on the same day, they didn’t record information fully, they’re bringing him into the treatment clinic hours before doing anything so he’s going nuts about the long exhausting waits, they haven’t told him about the other medication that they have given him or how to take it.  They don’t answer his questions, And today day 3 they overlooked a pain that we don’t know what it is or if it is dangerous or if it’s a side effect of the chemotherapy or if it’s unrelated. Just have the jabs and go home, see you tomorrow.

Sorry not good enough and even worse if you consider he’s neurodivergent!

Im not kidding I’m totally exhausted and terrified that this pain is sinister!

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your partner currently having chemotherapy and the frustrations and concerns you have about his care.

    It is important that both you and your partner feel confident in the team looking after him. If this isn't the case you could ask to speak to the ward manager to raise concerns with them and see what can be done to turn things around.

    Chemotherapy units are busy departments and it can feel quite chaotic at times. Unfortunately there can be periods of waiting around to be seen, assessed and then for the treatment to be given, and this understandably can be difficult and draining for patients.

    Do encourage your partner to let the chemo team know about any new or ongoing symptom so this can be assessed further. He should have been given an emergency advice line so do use that if necessary. If you and your partner are seriously worried about something and you don't think you are being taken seriously call NHS111 for advice or attend A&E.

    I hope you and your partner get the support and information you need from his team to help get you both through this difficult time.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
