Botox, fillers and hair dye during chemotherapy


Is it ok to have Botox, fillers and dye your hair during chemotherapy?

  • Hello Kitterfly and thanks for the post

    Unfortunately as no one here is involved directly in your care or treatment it is difficult to be able to say whether it is okay for you to have Botox, fillers or dye your hair during chemotherapy. We always advise patients to check with their doctor first, just to be on the safe side.

    There is information on about colouring hair before, during and after cancer treatment that may be useful to read. Generally speaking most patients undergoing chemo will be advised not to dye their hair whilst having chemo. This is because whilst not all chemo drugs cause hair loss, the treatment may cause thinning and the hair to become more fragile and sensitive to harsh chemicals. 

    Likewise, it is my understanding that there could be an infection risk with Botox and fillers and therefore if the chemo prescribed affects the immune system this could be a risk factor. As I say it is best to talk this through with your doctor to see what they have to say. It is also fair to say that any aesthetic therapist is likely to want a doctor's letter to say it is okay for you to have a procedure such as Botox carried out.

    I hope this helps. Please get back to us if you need to. You are also welcome to call and talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is 0808 800 4040 and we're here weekdays from 9 am till 5 pm.

    Best wishes,
