lump on collar bone worried

i  found a pea size lump on my collar 8 weeks ago. went to gp saw a NP  . she did a urgent refreal. but sent me to wrong place. the ent doc did a ct scan the  letter he sent says this. Suspicous cancer on the collar bone. it also says i need to see a bone sarcoma doc to plan treatment . does this mean i have bone cancer. the lump is growing in size very fast. and next to it there another lump growing too. . i am losing weight i have lost over a stone in four weeks. . no one has told the result of the ct scan i had the scan last wed. what do i do now i am scared. and worried about all this

  • Hi Rebornmum and thankyou for your post.

    Thank you for your enquiry. I'm sorry to read about your situation. It sounds like you are going through a lot.  I can appreciate how difficult it is waiting for things to happen after this news.

    The letter states suspicion of cancer. This means you need to see the appropriate specialist doctor to either confirm whether it is cancer or rule cancer out. If tests confirm the lump to be cancer, you will need to determine which type of bone cancer  it is in order to receive appropriate treatment.

    It is never easy waiting for appointments and results.  Regardless of how someone receives results from the doctor, there is no way of knowing what the results will show, so try not to over think things for now. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long to see the sarcoma specialist. They should be able to give you the results of your CT scan. 

    Unfortunately looking things up online isn't helpful until you have all the information and the full facts from the hospital specialist.  This often can cause more worry than help when you don't really know what the biopsy has or hasn't shown.

    Anxiety UK  have useful tips and advice on how to cope in these situations.

    I hope this helps and you know more about your situation soon.

     Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care

    All the best


  • they have requested a urgent MRI scan well the gp has