Pain in Head

Hi all. Since end of January I've had this persistent pain in the left side of my head EVERYDAY which is worse when I wake up and doesn't leave. It's like a sharp dull pain and it's only on the left side of my head and doesn't move. I've lost quite a bit of weight without trying in the last few months that people have started to notice. I feel extremely nauseous 24/7. I find it hard to eat. I've vomited once. And I'm dizzy and light headed all the time. I've went to my gp and we've tried over 3 types of medications to help with the pain in my head as they thought it was migraines. No one has really been listening to me when I say I don't feel right at all. Last week I finally got referred for an MRI brain after an out of hours doctor was concerned and confused as to why no one has scanned my head yet. Of course I'm going to have to wait a while. I'm just worried it's something bad and it's been delayed for this many months. I've tried to keep a level head I just kinda want to know if I should be realistically concerned. 

  • Hi Orah183 and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn that you are having symptoms that are causing you concern.

    Unfortunately, no one can say how concerning these symptoms are, it does not mean they are being caused by cancer but it is only when you have the MRI scan that you will have more of an idea.

    Waiting for tests and test results can be a difficult and stressful time, because of the uncertainty.  Some people find it helps to carry on with their usual activities as much as possible. Continuing with everyday activities, such as going to work, can be a welcome distraction from worrying.

    I hope you get a date for your MRI soon, take care, all the best
