Cancer worries..

I recently went to my g.p as I've not been feeling at all well..Tired, sore throat and chest and what feels like enlarged lymph nodes throughout my body. I had a full blood test and also handed in a vaginal swab, both came back as normal though on reading the results it did seem to suggest low level B12 or anaemia..

The nurse has also arranged for me to have a fast tracked gynaecological examination and a breast examination due to a lump I found in my right breast, the latter of which is tomorrow. When reading my online health records last night her inputs state "suspected gynaecological cancer" and "suspected breast cancer". Now I am absolutely petrified, I can't think straight and I just feel an absolute mess.

My mum died of metastatic breast cancer in 1996, aged 54 initially developing symptoms around 5/6 years earlier..I just feel so scared it's now happening to me and as I am already v petite and don't have much to me I really don't want any treatment..I want to go quickly if there's something badly wrong as my mum suffered horrendously and I think it's so wrong to put someone through all that and the memories left behind are hard to deal with.

  • I can understand your worries and sympathise with you. My husband had an operation for stomach cancer five years ago followed by an awful operation to remove his gallbladder due to perforation and an abscess. I have watched his strength deteriorate and I have just had an operation for breast cancer and the removal of all the axillary lymph nodes. However, treatments have improved over the last thirty years and I am certain that when you are given your diagnosis and treatment programme you can be reassured that you will come through it with help from the hospital and the team nurses. 

    Please do not despair!  Like you, I am of slight build and added to that I shall be eighty-one next month but I am hopeful that eventually I shall return to good health when treatment is completed. Do not deny yourself all the help that is available. Perhaps a phone call to the cancer nurses on this forum might ease your mind and remember "suspected" does not mean confirmation!

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for your reply Anne. What a lot you have been through! You must be a very determined lady! I only hope that you do well and continue with such a strength and courage..

    Best wishes Deb.

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    It is normal to worry when you are urgently referred ( suspected cancer) to see a specialist by your GP, or nurse . However, more than 9 out of every 10 people (more than 90%) who are referred in this way will not be diagnosed with cancer. 

    Gynaecology/ breast oncology services cover diagnostic tests so it is not  out of the ordinary to be referred there. Very often referrals are made to rule out cancer and be on the safe side. I hope this turns out to be what happens when you are seen today.

    Please give us a call if you want to talk anything over, Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around weekdays for 9-5.

    Kind regards,
