Swollen Virchow Node

I am 30 years old and have had a swollen Virchow node for over 12 months (the lump is roughly 2.5cm) and never thought much of it. About 2 months ago I started suffering with abdominal pain which I thought was bloating so I started to reduce my carb intake but unfortunately this didn’t aid the symptoms and my pain increased until I was physically saying ‘Ow’ when eating. 

I have approached a GP who has indicated that it is in fact the Virchow Node that is enlarged and has since ordered a FBC, a FIT test and referred my to Radiology. I have been informed that these have come back within normal parameters and that the referral has been rejected due to my age and overall health.

My GP has since, due to the nature of my symptoms they ordered a second lot of bloods that being a LFT, PSA, AMY, EG and a second FIT test. 

I am still awaiting the results for my bloods and second FIT test.

My wondering is why would they order a second FIT test if the first one showed no abnormalities. And two if these second lot of bloods come back negative what might this lump on I’ve my collar bone be!? 

The GP has prescribed me Gasto settling medication and has told me to not worry about the lump as sometimes these can just be there? 

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that you are having symptoms that are causing you concern. 

    It sounds like your doctor is being thorough with all the tests they have requested. A FIT (faecal immunochemical test) is done to look for hidden blood in poo. This test is done in people who are having symptoms such as a change in bowel habits or abdominal (tummy) pain. If positive (blood is found) a referral is made to the hospital for further tests to rule out bowel cancer.

    If a doctor is concerned that symptoms may be being caused by bowel cancer,  and the first FIT is negative (no blood is found) it can be helpful to repeat the test usually after 6 weeks. If the FIT is still negative, this increases the sensitivity of the test and will give the doctor more reassurance that the symptoms are unlikely to be caused by bowel cancer. Your doctor will be able to confirm whether this is the case.

    It is good news if the second lot of blood and FIT tests are clear. It is important to know that lymph nodes can be increased in size for many reasons, but it is not always because of cancer. The best person to discuss this with would be your doctor as they know your situation and may be able to give you more of an explanation for the enlarged lymph node and explain what happens next if the repeat tests are clear.

     I hope this helps a little, take care,
