Referral after chest x ray


My mum was poorly last year and we took her to the hospital, they found a nodule on her lung, they said it was small but they would follow it up, she has since had two x rays. One before last they rang and said it has grown they would like her to have another a few months later. She has since had this x ray and received a letter asking her to go to see a lung cancer physician, I may sound daft asking this but does this mean its a definite she has lung cancer, they have advised a relative to go with her and no children at the appointment. I have booked the day off and will be going with her but I can't clear it from my head. She is 71 years old, has been saying she is getting more out of breath recently. Could it be something else or would they not send you to a lung cancer physician for something else?


  • Hi and thank you for your post.

    This must be a difficult time waiting for your mum's appointment. Not being involved in your mum's care we cannot say what the outcome of your mum's appointment will be and whether or not she has cancer. I am afraid it is a case of sitting tight until she has her appointment, I appreciate this is very hard.

    The doctor at the hospital will go through everything with your mum, what the last scan showed and what will happen next.

    I hope your mum does not have to wait too long for her appointment and you get some answers soon.

    Take care, please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.
