Breast reconstruction

Good afternoon

Thank you so much for your help on previous posts 

Miraculously, the treatment for my wife’s her2 positive Cancer has been working well. We can only be thankful for the progress made by researchers and by staff.

We can only be thankful for the progress made by researchers and by staff.

She is due to have discussion about mastectomy and has been alarmed by some of the report with regard to the use of artificial material in breast reconstruction. Some women have reported ongoing low and medium level negative physical responses which they have attributed to the use of artificial breast implant material.

Some women have reported ongoing low and medium level negative physical responses which they have attributed to the use of artificial breast implant material. Plainly, no surgeon can categorically state that such associated physical symptoms could not have occurred. Is there any insight into the reality given that, there is the temptation to relate any feelings of unhealthy to the reconstruction material.

, there is the temptation to relate any feelings of unhealthy to the reconstruction material.

I am aware that autologous transplant of material from, say, a tummy tuck would avoid the reality or the impression that artificial inserts are causing difficulties.

What is the latest balanced view on this? 

  • Hello and thank you for posting. 

    I am glad to hear that your wife's treatment is going well and the conversation has now turned to reconstruction.

    Unfortunately, we are unable to give an opinion of what route your wife should or shouldn't take, but what I can do is provide information that may be useful for you both to read when making your decision. Also moving this post to 'living with cancer' you may hear from other forum users who have been through this.

     Cancer Research UK and Macmillan have information pages on reconstruction and implants which may be helpful to read. Both these charities are not part of the NHS so can give a balanced view. Also, the UK breast charity Breast Cancer Now has resources on reconstruction and implants too.

    Breast cancer now also has a downloadable booklet and a chat forum, similar to this one, if you want to get further opinions from those going through similar situations, or have had to make these decisions.

    Some people feel a second opinion can help them in making decisions about their care this can happen in the NHS or in the private sector.  Do discuss further with the specialist doctor involved or Breast Care nurse (BCN) for more information.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
