Breast cancer/ lymph node's

I have had breast surgery for cancer had my results back and they have found cancer in my lymph nodes .absolutely devastated. But they have said the treatment is to take away all the lymph nodes by surgery or radiotherapy I know the risk is higher of complications with surgery. But with radiation, you can't be certain that they get everything iv had a lot of problems with recovery after my breast surgery and healing. I just don't know if I can go through it again I'm so confused I want to do the right thing. If you can offer me any advice it would be much appreciated. 

  • Hello Daisyhill and thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear that you are having breast cancer treatment.

    I am afraid that we are not able to tell you what treatment you should have. I hope your cancer team can help guide you with your decision.  

    Radiotherapy is given in a much more targeted way these days to help minimise damage to surrounding non-cancerous areas.  Before the treatment starts it is planned.  This is to ensure it is given where it's needed, and your skin will be marked so that you line up with the machine each time you have it to ensure it's treating the right place.  It will be given in small doses over a week or two.  It might help to look at our information about breast cancer radiotherapy planning. It may also help to read about having it and the possible side effects. that could happen.

    Surgery to remove your lymph nodes will mean having an invasive procedure, but once it is done you will not need to go back to have more surgery.  Some side effects are similar to those associated with radiotherapy, such as the risk of lymphoedema. 

    You may wish to talk this through with your breast care nurse.  You could also find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Hello Daisyhill, so sorry for what you are going through.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2019.  The surgeon removed the tumour and also a couple of my lymph nodes.  I was strongly advised to have radiation therapy afterwards to make sure that any stray cancer cells were destroyed. To be perfectly honest, I felt so drained and exhausted  by the surgery that I  made the decision NOT to have the radiotherapy, and 16 months later the cancer returned.  Looking back, I now realise that I should have taken the advice of my oncologist and had the radiotherapy after my surgery.  The decision of course is yours, good luck in whatever you decide to do, xx

  • I know I'm going to have to do one or the other just not sure which way to go. As still getting over my breast surgery. 

  • I know what you mean.  Also, it is a very traumatic experience to go through isn't it?  Getting the diagnosis is bad enough, and then there is the surgery and the chronic exhaustion that many of us feel AFTER the feels like you have a mountain to climb doesn't it?  Anyway,   Take care of yourself, and the very best of luck, xx

  • Sorry to hear your diagnosis. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy which was positive. I had the axillary clearance and because more nodes are positive. i am now expecting chemo. If you are node positive and premenopausal you usually need chemo too. If you have radiotherapy instead of surgery, you will not know if there was more cancer on the nodes. Personally, I chose the ALND because I wanted to know how much spread there was. For me, the not knowing was worse. Most people don't get lymphodema though it is a risk. So far, I'm OK. Let us know what you decide. X