Struggling with basic movements post-nephrectomy

I am struggling to move 5 days post surgery for robotic partial nephrectomy. I remained in hospital for 4 nights after my operation due to bowel/bladder issues and have been sent home with a catheter as both are ongoing. I was initially put on a generic ward so didn’t receive support physically which I think may have fuelled the complications with retention of gases and stools/urine.

Now I'm home my whole abdomen remains very painful - I can just about get to standing if sitting at a reasonable height but lying to sleep remains impossible. I can walk for 5 mins at a very laboured pace but any minor movement leaves me breathless.

I went into surgery fit, exercising regularly and eating well so this has been a frustrating and demoralising experience. I'm very conscious of getting the balance between moving but not over-exerting and causing internal damage - how do I know where that balance lies please? 

  • Hello Sarai,

    Hello and thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear about how you are following surgery.

    Please be reassured that you have been sent home because the hospital team can see that it is safe for you to do so.  So, if you are worried about how you are you should get back in touch with the hospital

    It can take a few days after having a partial robotic nephrectomy to feel that moving around is getting easier and less painful. It is a gradual process that may take a few days to feel comfortable doing. Take the painkillers you have been prescribed and as time goes by you can reduce what you need. Getting up and moving around when you can is good because it lessens the risk of post-operation complications, such as a chest infection or blood clot. It might be helpful to read the information about the side effects of this type of surgery on our website.

    We also have information about problems that can happen after surgery.  If you have concerns about how you are recovering do get back in touch with your hospital team or your cancer nurse specialist.

    You can always talk with your GP or call the NHS on 111 for advice.

    You are likely to have a follow-up appointment to see how you are after your surgery but if you have concerns before then do get in touch with your hospital team and let them know. They may wish to see you sooner.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
