Question about recent smear test very worried

Hi I'm 27 and I've only now just gone for my first smear as I was too nervous and anxious to go. My smear was taken while on my period it was the last day so I was bleeding lightly/not atall I only really bled a bit more after the smear. But I noticed after the smear was taken there was a foul smell after the nurse had removed the swab stick from the cup of water where the sample was taken,the nurse was also being overly nice after the smear I asked if she saw anything and she said in her 26 years shes only ever seen something from a smear and it was an elderly lady who had a lot of symptoms im not sure if she was trying to reassure me but I don't know maybe I'm overthinking the situation. Could the smell be from something serious or the fact I was still kind of on my period or is that normal from a smear? Sorry if this is very crude I am just worried and would like to know I'm terrified for the letter I just hope I'm going to be okay :( 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you are so worried about your cervical screening result.

    Please try not to over think things for now, if you can. There can be many reasons for odour in our bodies, but most are normal and nothing out of the ordinary.

    I am sure if the nurse taking the screening sample had been concerned by what she could see she would have said. Also if she had noticed an unusual smell she may have also requested to take some swabs to check for infection, so try not to dwell on this.

    Hopefully you will get your results soon and your mind can be put at ease.

    In the meantime keeping yourself busy and your mind on other things can help pass the time.

    Take care
