Kydney cancer

Hi, my son who is 48 yrs old had an operation to remove his right kydney and part of his right bowel. He is still in hospital having had the major op 3 days ago.

He has now statrted sweating profusely at night again like he did prior to his op which is causing g him concern as well as myself. As it's the weekend there are no doctors to advise on this. Could you tell me if thus is normal or a sign of infection?

He was hoping the night sweats would have stopped now, is there anything that could help alleviate them he has stopped drinking water at night although he is thirsty. Would appreciate any advice you could give.

Thank you

Christine  (Joel's Mum)

  • Hi Christine I just wanted to let you know that the nurses won't be back until Monday but hopefully someone else will see your post and offer some advice .

  • Hello Christine, 

    As Jenny3109 rightly mentioned, our nurses will be back online on Monday so they won't be able to respond to you over the weekend. You are also welcome to give them a call first thing on Monday - you can call their free helpline on 0808 800 4040 and it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Poor Joel I am sorry to hear he has been experiencing these night sweats. As he is in hospital at the moment, even if it is the weekend he should be able to get medical attention - try and talk to one of the nurses in hospital looking after him and see whether you can get to see a doctor even if it is out of hours. Mention your concerns about the night sweats and the fact he has stopped drinking water at night despite being thirsty. This is something they need to be made aware of at the hospital. I would also perhaps try and ring 111 and explain the situation and see what they would suggest is the best course of action in your case. 

    I hope that Joel recovers well and quickly. It must be an anxious time for you and I hope that you manage to talk to some of the medical staff at the hospital as soon as you can. It's good he is in hospital though and being looked after and monitored and I hope that you find out more soon and his recovery from this big operation goes well.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Ambet and thanks for posting

    Unfortunately the nurses aren't here on the weekend but hopefully your son is feeling a bit better in himself today.

    Whilst there are less doctors in the hospital on a weekend, patients will still be monitored by the nurses through regular observations ( blood pressure, pulse, temperature and so on) and reviewed by the on-call consultants team of doctors.

    There can be many different reasons for patients to experience sweating after an operation. It can be a side effect from the medications given during the operation that should settle within a few days. However if it continues or your son feels unwell in any way, then do encourage your son to mention to his doctor or nurse when he sees them. If it was due to an infection then his temperature and pulse would probably be up as well.

    I wish your son a good recovery and hope he can come home soon.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
