My mum has colon cancer and laxatives

My mum has colon cancer and seems to have an obstruction higher up. Her belly has been very swollen, she has been sick and feels sick and in pain low down. The GP came out and agreed she seemed to have a blockage and that it was making her breathless as the diaphragm was pushed up. All she suggested was laxido but she already takes 2 ducolase a day. I think all this is not helping  she has dioreah but still very bloated. I have started on fluids only diet. Should we drop the ducolase etc until her swelling and nausea improve? Thanks

  • Hello and thanks for the post

    I am very sorry to hear about your mum, this must sounds like she is having a horrible time at the moment.

    Unfortunately without being involved we can't say whether she should stop the laxatives, i'm afraid. Whilst you say she is having diarrhoea, it is difficult to know if this is diarrhoea or what is known as over flow when there is a blockage or ongoing constipation sometimes called faecal impaction. When this happens it isn't uncommon for liquid to seeps out around the blockage that appears like diarrhoea.

    There is information about faecal impaction on our website.

    We suggest you try and contact another one of her doctors to let them know of the worsening symptoms so they can reassess her to decide the best thing to do. In the meantime a liquid diet seems sensible.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    I hope things settle for your mum soon and she can start feeling better in herself,

    Best wishes
