Foot pain following breast cancer


I had breast cancer and treatment in 2022. My treatment consisted of lump and lymph node removal and radiotherapy. Since then I have struggled with pain in my feet (and sometimes my ankles). I have changed hormone therapy drug and tried a variety of pain relief but, if anything, the pain has got worse. I worry that I am missing something here. Could the level of pain (which is sometimes so severe it restricts my mobility) be linked to my cancer treatment and, if so, is there any remedy that I could pursue with my GP? I fear that if I go to the GP 'empty-handed' I will be fobbed off - again - with naproxen. 

Thanks for reading this.

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing.

    I am afraid that without being part of your care team it is difficult for me to know what is causing your pain. However, I hope the following information will help. 

    Some types of hormonal treatments used to treat breast cancer can cause pain in the joints and muscles. This may be why you have pain in your feet. I wondered if you have asked your breast cancer team, do they think it is related to your treatment or if you possibly have another condition such as arthritis.

    It might also be helpful to see your GP again about this. Your GP may want to examine you and may think that a referral to a team about your feet is needed.

    I hope you can get some help that will make you feel better. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Hi Caroline, thank you v much for your reply. Your advice is really helpful. I will take this up with my GP and, if necessary, I will go back to my breast care team.

    Thanks once again,