Breast Cancer and Shingles vaccine

I have Breast Cancer, have had my operation and just finished (yesterday) my course of radiotherapy.  My doctors surgery has just sent me a text to ask if I'd like a Shingles vaccine as I'm 70 but I'm worried it will affect me in an adverse way as I've only just finished cancer treatment.  What do you advise please? 

  • Hiya Georganne,  I think the best thing to do is to ask the advice of your Doctor, good luck,xx

  • There's a high possibility that its just a text that was being sent out to all of that age group and not aimed at you specifically so it won't have know you'd just finished treatment .

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I would talk to your GP about this. The East Midlands Cancer Alliance recommend having Shingrix vaccine which is not a live vaccine.

    This is what they say in their information;

    'The Department of Health recommends vaccination for people aged 70 – 79 years. If you are having or have received chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy, or immunotherapy in the past 6 months you must have the inactivated vaccine (Shingrix). There are limited supplies of Shingrix so currently only people in the 70 -79 age group are routinely being offered the vaccine'

    You can read about the Shingrix vaccine here.

    I hope this helps.

    If you would find it helpful to ring and speak to one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a call. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
