Accidently too filgrastim too early


Had taxol today at about 1pm.

I've had filgrastim after EC and a couple of times with taxol cos of levels and always waiting until next evening.

Not sute what happened today but went into auto and took it this evening about 10pm.

What will happen? Do I need to inform anyone? All websites sits say is TAKE AFTER 24 HOURS OF MORE but cnat find any that say what happens if its early.

Please advise. Thanks 

  • Hello, and thanks for posting,

    I don't think it will matter too much, but if you want a definite answer, then you will need to phone your hospital, and ask for the hospital pharmacy department.

    It would be a pharmacist that can check this for you. If you have a hospital clinical nurse specialist (CNS), then they will know as well.

    Best wishes,
