Oesophageal Cancer

My mother in law has an 8cm tumor in her oesophagus, she is on palative care and has been given a life expectancy of 9 months. Yesterday she was taken into hospital as she was bleeding from the back passage and has been given 3 blood infusions. Does this mean the cancer has spread or does it mean she is facing end of life earlier? 

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your mother in law, this must be a difficult time for all the family.

    Unfortunately no one here can say exactly what may be going on or where the bleeding is coming from. There could be many different reasons for this, including the tumour growing and spreading but without being directly involved in her care it is difficult to know for sure.

    However it sounds like she is in the best place for now. I am sure the doctors involved in her care will be looking to find out more about what the problem may be and to keep her as comfortable as possible.

    Do encourage the family to speak with the doctor or nurse at the hospital to find out more about what is happening and to question the plan moving forward.

    Unfortunately no one can ever predict exactly how long someone has left, some people will live way beyond expected where as some people sadly pass much sooner.

    I hope you know more soon.

    Please get back if needed and you are welcome to call us on 0808 800 4040 if you prefer. We're here weekdays 9-5.

    All the best
