

I recently had a 1b Melanoma and have been offered sentinel node biopsy but have today opted for wide local excision only!!  am I mad to not go further and opt for the sentinel node biopsy ?



  • I'm in a similar situation, mine was 2b, which they removed with clear margins, and tomorrow, I have the wide excision and SLNB. I thought the latter was optional but my specialist really recommended it. I believe it helps with staging and additional treatment if the result is positive (20% chance that it is). It's a tricky one, but as an independent and super active 50 year old man, I kinda want the full works now, so whatever they can do can be done early, and reduce risk further down the line.

    There's a new Melanoma trial happening too, and recent results show a 47% reduction in recurrence after taking a certain drug (can't remember the name). They use your own cells to create a vaccine and it's been really successful so far. They want volunteers in Manchester where I am, so I'll be asking my specialist tomorrow.

    I've read up A LOT on all this, probably too much, and most people have good outcomes at stage I and II, even the phrase 'totally cured' is banded about.  It hasn't stopped me thinking about it constantly for the last 3m, it's a worry, I've never had anything seriously wrong with me before.

    Let me know what you decide, and I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

  • Hi M and thank you for your post 

    I am sorry to learn of your situation, this must be a difficult time.

    You may have seen this already, we have information about sentinel node biopsy (SNLB) which includes the advantages and disadvantages.

    Some patients with stage 1B melanoma will be offered a SNLB depending on the size of the melanoma and whether there are risk factors that the cancer may have spread such as if there is broken skin on the melanoma (ulcer), if there are cancer cells in the lymph vessels or blood vessels of the melanoma or if the cells are dividing quickly.   

    With your stage of melanoma, the role of sentinel node biopsy remains optional because it is not seen as a treatment. There is no evidence that this procedure improves overall survival from the disease, but as Ade 101 has mentioned it provides more information about the stage of the melanoma and gives doctors more guidance about what may happen. 

    If the node is found to have cancer cells, this will change the stage of the melanoma to stage 3 which means a person could have adjuvant treatment, to reduce the risk of the melanoma coming back.

    As Ade 101 has also said a positive lymph node is found in 1 in 5 people (20%) who have the procedure done. You can read more about this on the Melanoma Focus website, they also have a helpline that you can contact at 0808 801 0777. 

    It is always difficult to decide this because the uncertainty can be difficult to deal with. There is no clear right or wrong answer and the doctors themselves are not clear on the benefits of having a SNLB in this situation. I am unsure when you are having your wide excision, if you have the time, it may be worth talking things through again with your specialist or nurse specialist (CNS).

    I hope this helps a little. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care M, all the best 


  • Thanks so much for your response, I am also 50yr old man and regard myself as pretty fit (runner, mountain biker etc etc) wishing you all the best for today and a speedy recovery...thks again

  • Hi Jemma,

    I was given a slot on the 31st May for the SNLB and was advised by the scheduler that the specialists with be in touch, regards the STATS I was under the impression the chances of a positive test is 10% not 20% ? That does change things a bit in my mind...I will discuss with my specialist and have words with myself :-) thanks so much for your kind response..

  • Hi Mistermark & Ade,

    This procedure has recently been discussed in this thread & may be of interest to you 

    Good luck to you both & if I can be of any help with anything just ask,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)