Reopen scar or new incision?


After my ovarian cancer surgery, with a large midline scar, my gynaecologist now wants to take me back to theatre to check for any further spread.

My CNS has said that I will be asked on the morning of the surgery when he sees me, if I would prefer the surgeon to reopen the original scar or to make a separate incision.

Are there any benefits or greater risks for either option? I know that I already have a lot of adhesions. I’m therefore wondering if it’s perhaps best to leave the one scar to continue to heal and ask for a new incision if possible?

is it more common for the first scar to be reopened or new incision?

  • How old is the scar? I had to have a second operation to clear margins for breast cancer, told they would perform it within two weeks as the surgeons don't like to wait longer than that to reopen the scar due to scar tissue. I ended up waiting for 3 months and the scar is prominent and indented due to the reincision. 

  • I’m sorry to read that.

    It’s 13weeks now. On the date of the second op, it will be exactly 14 weeks.

  • I wonder if they may decide to make another incision then if it isn’t advisable to reopen too long afterwards.

    I hope you’re doing well now.

  • I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I guess a new incision site would produce more scar tissue in that area, a reincision could work if they cut away the old scar tissue.

    Have to rely on the surgeon's expert knowledge on this one.

    Hope everything goes well for you x

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can understand your question.

    I don't think there is a straightforward answer to this to be honest. Some patients may not want to look at another scar line, from a body image perspective.

    This may be an important factor for them. Scar tissue will always form again, even when the original excision site/line is used again. It depends on how well someone heals over time, and this can vary due to factors such as age, medical conditions such as diabetes etc. There is a chance that the scar tissue may be a little thicker than last time, if the same excision line is used, but hard to say by how much.

    Hopefully, you will get to speak to the surgeon about it as well. 

    I hope that it all goes well for you,

    Best wishes,
