Waiting for colonoscopy results

Hi, how long has anyone waited for colonoscopy results ?

  • Hello Hariett, and thank you for your post,

    I was unsure of what your situation is if you have just recently had a colonoscopy and if the doctor did biopsies or removed any polyps. Usually, you would expect to wait 2-4 weeks for results, but this may vary from hospital to hospital and some people may be waiting longer.

    If you have not heard anything after two weeks, contact your doctor.

    I hope you get your results soon,  take care, all the best,


  • Hi Jemma I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago,, the doctor said all he found was a very small polyp and a very small packet of diverticolitis,, he said I would hearwithin 2 weeks , however I rang my doctor and they have not heard anything back,they suggested I ring the hospital where I had it done,, but I was told the results would go to my own doctors, :( 

  • Hi Harriett,

    Thank you for your further post, I am sorry to hear that you have not heard and it has been 2 weeks.

    I know waiting for results can be a difficult and anxious time. As you are on an urgent pathway you should hear back very soon. We are hearing that some people unfortunately are waiting longer than 2 weeks with services being stretched, so I am afraid it sounds like it is a case of sitting tight.

    Perhaps give it another week or so and if you still haven't heard, it is worth checking with your GP again if they have results and asking if they can chase the hospital on your behalf.

    Take care, I hope you hear soon,


  • Thank you , you are right its very worrying  when waiting for rsults :( ,