Friend currently having oxygen therapy at home for metastatic lung cancer. Been told 5 week wait for portable oxygen. Is it possible to get it sooner?


A friend of mine came out of hospital on Friday; he has metatistic lung cancer and has been given weeks to live. He has oxygen threrapy at home but would like to be able to get out the house now and again, however, he will have to wait 5 weeks before delivery of portable oxygen. Bearing in mind the limited time he has left, is there any way he would be able to get oxygen sooner? Obviously he is not working and has no savings. Thank you.

  • Hi Nex and thanks for posting

    I am very sorry to hear about your friend, this must be a tough time for everyone involved.

    Unfortunately we can't say for sure how quickly he may be able to get portable oxygen as there may be supply issues. However your friend could check with his specialist or palliative care nurse (sometimes called Macmillan nurse) to see if there is a way of getting one sooner.

    Failing that the doctor or nurse involved in your friends care could contact the nearest hospice to ask if they have one they could lend him whilst he waits for his to be delivered.

    I hope this helps a little and that your friend is able to enjoy some of the time he has left.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes
