can blood work be normal?

Hi, I have been in touch with my GP for the last few months because of ongoing drenching night sweats. I'm only 33, but I thought perhaps i was experiencing perimenopause because my periods (although continue to be regular) have also changed. I have also had persistent fatigue on and off for months, sometimes it feels exhausting to just be awake! I had covid 2 weeks ago and was very unwell in bed for 2 days, but have been negative for 5 days now and feel better. Last week I found a lump just above my left collarbone but put this down to a swollen gland with having covid. The next day i found another lump, much larger, in my armpit - feels like a marble. Two days later I found another lump on the right side of my neck in the superior cervical zone. I've had a low grade fever for 2 weeks now. Yesterday I weighed myself and discovered I'd lost half a stone in 9 months without trying or noticing.

I had bloods taken yesterday and was expecting raised inflammatory/infection markers - but everything looks normal? I am still waiting for results of Bence Jones Protein urine test and protein electrophoresis blood result. 

I'm well aware that i'm hitting a lot of red flags here and that i should feel reassured as my bloods are fine. However, I wondered if normal bloods doesn't necessarily mean no cancer? Surely my infection/inflam markers would be raised if the lymph nodes were swollen because of covid? So, why have they swollen? The lumps are painless, immobile, not rock hard - but not squidgy either. Is a biopsy still needed even with normal bloods?


  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry you have these concerns about your health.

    It is not unusual for nodes to feel swollen/lumpy for a while after a bad virus or infection, while the body's immune system is returning to normal. But, I think if you remain concerned despite the blood test result it is best to talk this through with your GP.

    It is important to remember that other things can go on in the body other than cancer, but I think you should tell your doctor that you are worried about it. They will then be able to discuss this with you. They will also know if there are any 'red flags' still present that may need further investigation.

    Take care and if you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.
