Urgent 2 week referal

March 2022 I had my first smear just before turning 25, heard nothing until may 2022 over two months after I recieved I phone call saying I was needing to come into colposcopy as my smear was came back with “high grad severe dyskaryosis and high risk hpv” on going to appointment which was the day after the phone call there did a see and treat for the same and did a lletz procedure, the whole experience was awful from start to finish with mistakes happening after this causing a major amount of stress to my self which took months to recover from mentally, now two years on I have since had a healthy baby boy which I got caught pregnant with 8 months after my lettz, for the last 6 months since his birth I have had irregular periods, bleeding inbetween, spotting unusual discharge and pain during sex and also bleeding from baring down when going to the toilet, I seen the gp a week and half ago and have my appointment booked in gynaecology oncology for Thursday this week,

my gp looked at my cervix and was concerned that it wasn’t looking normal and referred as whatever is there is “more significant than a simple ectropian” 

I’m just anxious understandably and wondering if anyone has any insight on what to expect? 

thanks in advance 

  • Hello Megk2 and thanks for posting

    I imagine this is a very worrying time for you and hopefully you will know much more after your appointment on thursday.

    Unfortunately no one here can really say what you should expect moving forward. It sounds like your doctor is concerned about what they could see when viewing your cervix so I suspect the doctor will want to examine you and possibly take some biopsies at the same time.

    I am sure during your appointment the doctor will talk through what needs to happen, any other tests they may want to arrange and any thoughts they have about what might be going on. Although they may not be able to say until they have any tests they run come back

    Hopefully you have the support of family and friends around you at this time. Try and take things one step a time for now and don't let your mind run away with itself until you have all the facts.

    I hope everything will be okay for you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
