Cervical cancer

I have recently had a cervical smear done by a nurse who seemed inexperienced (she broke the stick first time) which came back clear but detected HPV. Several weeks later I started bleeding, this has now been going on for a month despite being on the depo injection. My doctor suggested an infection could be the cause of the bleeding so I had swabs done which have all come back showing clear of all infection. My doctor seems unconcerned but I think it should be looked into. I have a strong family history of cervical cancer.

  • Hello Magnus and thank you for your post

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you have and the worry it is causing you.

    I'm afraid no one here can say what the matter is and we always suggest going back to your doctor with ongoing symptoms.

    It sounds like they have checked for infection and in taking swabs they would have viewed your cervix and if they had seen anything concerning they would have referred you to colposcopy. So you can only assume it looked normal.

    If your cervical screening test came back HPV positive then there would have been a good enough sample to then check for abnormal cells in cytology. Because the result came back with normal cytology is reassuring.

    Speak with your doctor when you can to see if they can put your mind at ease. Sometimes mentioning what you are most afraid of is helpful for them to know. I am sure if they think more tests are needed they will arrange these for you.

    I hope things improve soon and you can get some peace of mind about all of this.

    Take care
