Blood in urine

Two weeks ago I first thought I was maybe passing blood in my urine . Last week ( Monday ) I really passed a lot of blood and made an appointment next day with GP . I was given Nitrofurantoin ( possibly uti ) but the test on my urine sample found no traces. Two days later I again passed more blood and managed to see another doctor ( whom I struggled to understand not his fault ) and has referred me to the hospital for tests on the 2 week programme. Since them it’s not been to bad and I’m in no pain ( although obviously worried and sleep not so good ) . I’m 74 but in reasonable shape and have not lost any weight and no other symptoms. Should I stop taking the Nitrofurantoin as it seems I haven’t a UTI ? Also I think he said if the symptoms get worse go to A&E ?

  • Hello Miler and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you are having some blood in your urine and appreciate this must be a worry for you.

    The GP has done right by referring you on the fast track pathway to get this looked into further, just to be on the safe side.

    There could be a number of reasons for the blood but the possibility of cancer also needs to be ruled out. Hopefully you will hear  and know more soon.

    Try not to over think too much for the moment and take things one step at a time.

    As the doctor says if you experience a sudden or larger amount of blood loss you should call NHS 111 or go to A+E for advice.

    Do get back in touch if needed or call us on 0808 800 4040, mon-fri 9-5 if you prefer.

    Wishing you all the best
