What can I expect at a one stop shop breast clinic


I have an urgent referral appointment next week to a one stop shop breast clinic 3.5 hours away from home due to waiting times in my local health board. I am grateful to be seen so quickly despite the travel. 

I don’t have a classic lump, but other concerning significant breast changes such as dimpling and discomfort in one breast. 

What can I expect to happen...Can patients be told their diagnosis or at least indication either way on the day? If I have a biopsy, can I drive afterwards? My spouse is away with work.

It feels so silly and fraudulent to feel so anxious about the unknown, but any indication or knowledge would be a relief in itself.

Thank you


  • Hello Dionne and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are travelling so far to your appointment.

    The clinic should let you know what to expect when you go to the clinic as it does slightly vary from clinic to clinic. With a one stop appointment you should get the results that day but if you have a biopsy then you may have to wait for at least a week to get the results. Be prepared to be at the clinic for several hours in order for all the tests to be done. This will include a breast examination an ultrasound and maybe a mammogram depending on your age. 

    You should be fine to drive yourself back but if you can persuade a kind friend to come with you that would be lovely. It is a long way to drive there and back in a day.

    Breast Cancer Now have produced some general information about what to expect at a breast clinic appointment

    I do hope that your appointment goes well. You could always look to see if there is somewhere you could stay for the night the day before or afterwards so you are not travelling 7 hours in one day.

    If you would like to talk any of it through with one of the nurses on the helpline then do get back to us.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Hi Catherine,

    Thank you for getting back to me. I will be staying with family closer to the clinic the night before. It’s sounds silly but if I can’t have my husband there, I don’t want anyone there. 

    It is a long journey but I am grateful as the unknown is torturous. The average wait in my local clinic (still 90 mins away) for an urgent referral is 10 weeks. I was luckily offered an appointment in 6 weeks after a consultant read my referral letter or 1 week if I was prepared to travel, which I am.

    It will be nice to know either way what’s happening, hopefully get an idea of what is causing my symptoms and move forward with life. 

    thank you so much again.