Poor blood pressure

Before my diagnosis of stage 3 TN breast cancer I suffered with high blood pressure but since I started chemo and gave up  smoking my pressure is really low to the stage where I’ve been smoking again to help raise it and drinking strong coffee I’m so fed up I’ve never managed to stop before and I’d beaten it but I can’t bear the thought of ending up in hospital because of blood pressure I’ve let my oncologist know of the problem and the fact I’ve come off the blood pressure meds but haven’t had any advice and it’s still crashing please help

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Unfortunately, as nurses, we are not able to give you specific medical advice.

    Smoking and drinking caffeine is not going to increase your blood pressure. Caffeinated drinks can make you dehydrated in fact. 

    You can try to drink more fluids, and aim for 2 to 3 litres intake per day.

    You need to speak with your GP or hospital team about your concerns.

    I hope that you get this sorted out soon,

    Best wishes,
