Eddometrial thickness of 4.5mm after menopause

Hi , ive been told that i have an endometrial stripe measurement of 4

5mm in AP thickness post menopausal. This was found on a fibroid mri review. The consultant has scared me into thinking that this is cancer due to thickness being abnormal and has referred me for an urgent biopsy. On the scan results it does say no frank imaging of sarcomatous degeneration on non iv contrast mri. Can you please tell me how high risk 4.5mm is , im 58 years of age and on combined hrt for several years. Thanks Fiona 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Unfortunately, we are not able to answer your question in terms of risk. Your consultant will have taken all of the presenting factors of your situation into account, before deciding as to whether a biopsy is necessary. Womb thickening can be due to womb cancer, or more commonly, a condition called Endometrial hyperplasia. This is when the cells in the womb lining build up and the lining becomes thickened. Endometrial hyperplasia is a benign (non cancerous) condition, but if left untreated, it may slightly increase the risk of developing womb cancer.  But this increase in risk is generally quite low and most women with endometrial hyperplasia would not develop womb cancer. If the thickened lining also contains abnormal cells (not cancer), this is called atypia, then the risk of womb cancer is higher. You can read more about this condition on the 'Patient' website.

    A biopsy is usually suggested, in order to get more information about the womb cells present. 

    I hope that you get to find out more soon,

    Best wishes,
