Radiation side effects

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and subsequently underwent radiation treatment for 20 days ending in November last year. I seem to now suffer from spasmodic vicious diarrhoea attacks, how long can I expect these to go on . I am also having quarterly hormone injections which have led to me piling on the pounds, will this end?

  • Hello Redronnie and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the side effects that you are experiencing from your radiotherapy treatment. 

    Unfortunately radiotherapy can cause the bowel to become inflamed.  I am not sure whether you have made your GP aware of some of the symptoms that you are experiencing. Trying to eat a low fibre diet can sometimes help. Having a diet rich in eggs, pasta,  white rice, white bread avoiding beans and high fibre vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli may help. 

    ProstateCancerUK have some tips on managing diet. If things don't appear to be settling down then your GP may consider referring you to a gastroenterologist to see if there has been any damage to the bowel.

    I am sorry to hear about the weight gain from the hormone injections. Unfortunately weight gain can be a problem with hormone injections. Trying to exercise regularly and monitoring what you eat can help. You may find it helpful to read the information on our website about   the effects of hormone treatment.

    You may be interested in joining a support group called tackle. It is a patient led charity for men with prostate cancer. There are groups up and down the country or you can start your own. It can help to talk to other men who have gone through similar treatments. You may find that they have tips on how they cope with similar side effects such as weight gain or bowel problems.

    I do hope that as time goes on your symptoms will settle down. Do also discuss this with your GP to see whether they have any suggestions to help control your vicious diarrhoea

    I hope some of these links may be helpful. You have posted on 'ask the nurses' but if you post on another thread or start your own then you may find that you get more responses.

    You are welcome to ring and discuss any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline. Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5pm.

    All the best,
