Help and advice needed please - struggling with fatigue

Hello. I finished treatment for cervical cancer in November last year. This entailed radiotherapy, chemotherapy and brachytherapy. I was advised by my oncologist in February to start HRT after beginning to experience symptoms of the menopause. I struggled with fatigue throughout treatment but things began to improve, however the past 6 weeks or so I’m absolutely exhausted. I’ve been back and forth to the drs, blood work has been done and all bloods were normal. Saturday and Tuesday I passed out, my energy levels are at zero. I’m really struggling with fatigue. Dr has said it could be a combination of the treatment I’ve been through plus the menopause but I’m worried that the cancer has come back. The fatigue is worse than it was before I was diagnosed with cancer. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance. 

  • Hello aggie1612 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your fatigue and the impact that this must be having on your day to day life.

    I can understand that having finished treatment in November you are probably thinking that you should be having much more energy but unfortunately tiredness can go on for some time. 

    The combination of different drugs and radiotherapy can have a huge effect on energy levels so try not to be too hard on yourself. It is good that you have had blood tests to see whether they are responsible for making you feel so tired but if these are within normal limits then it may be a case of trying to find some coping techniques to help you when you are feeling so exhausted.

    We do have some information on our website about fatigue and cancer treatment and we also have tips on coping and managing fatigue

    It maybe that with time and if you decide to take HRT then your symptoms may start to get better. Try not to expect too much of yourself. Eating a well balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and trying to take short walks when you can may help.

    I do hope that over the coming weeks things will start to improve.

    If you would like to talk any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Hiya aggie1612, so sorry that you are struggling with fatigue.  Your body has been through an awful lot, and it takes its toll, not just physically but psychologically as well  Having cancer and then going through the various treatments is hugely traumatic, and more than likely, your mind and body are now screaming for some much needed rest.  Because you are feeling exhausted all the time, it is perfectly natural to think that the 'Big C' has reared its ugly head again, but when you think of all that your body has been through, it makes sense that you are starting to feel the full effects of the trauma.  I hope I have allayed your fears a little bit, take care and best wishes on your journey to recovery, xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply Catherine. Much appreciated. Kindest regards, Joanne. 

  • Thank you so much for your reply Blue-girl, much appreciated. Kindest regards, Joanne.