
Hello I am 80 year have had a diagnosis for breast cancer I have the choice of lumpectomy and 5 days of radiotherapy then having to take letrozole or I can go straight on Letrozole what I don’t understand is why the need for letrozole after lumpectomy and radiation when there is the choice of just taking the tablets only , it’s a 2cm lump no Lymph node present , will see my consultant in 2weeks to make a decision I know I can discuss this with her and my appointed nurse but just want to see if I am thinking straight.
 Thank you hope you understand where I am coming from 

  • Hi Magg-s and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn that you have breast cancer. It can be difficult when you are given different treatment options and know what to do for the best.

    I was unsure of your exact situation but several things are looked at when planning treatment, such as the grade of the cancer (how fast-growing it is) and the stage (its size and how far it has spread), as well as a person's age and how well they are, whether or not they have any other health conditions.

    The treatment option of surgery,  radiotherapy, and letrozole aims to remove all the cancer cells and reduce the risk of the cancer coming back. If your breast cancer is slowly growing then just hormone treatment may be an option, it cannot get rid of the cancer completely, however, it may be able to stop it from growing and shrink the cancer.

    Your breast specialist or nurse will be able to confirm for you why you have been given an option. There is no wrong answer when deciding on treatment, and it comes down to what you feel is right for you. Whether or not you feel you will manage the possible side effects of the treatments. Sometimes it can be helpful to write a simple list of the benefits and disadvantages of having the treatment as this may help clarify what you are thinking. 

    I hope this helps a little. Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it more helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best with your decision,
