Endometrial biopsy result


i I had a hysteroscopy 3 weeks ago following PMB.  My results came back as

“Biopsy was inadequate for assessment, this is however in keeping with findings of atrophic endometrial cavity.”

The plan is then to go back to the care of my GP, I am not sure what this means as I was hoping for the biopsy to come back as normal but it seems that they couldn’t perform the assessment and they aren’t following up which leaves me a bit concerned.  is this normal practice?  I also had a small polyp removed but there was no mention of this in the clinic letter.

Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. 

many thanks 

  • Hello Spax and thank you for posting, I am sorry you are worried about this.

    It is best to contact your doctor for this information, as they know you and your situation and can discuss results. 

    What I can say about these findings is that they have enough evidence from the procedure to diagnose endometrial atrophy.  This is not unusual and a common cause of PMB.

    As the polyp has not been mentioned, and they are known for being rarely cancerous, I would expect that the polyp is not a concern. 

    Take care Spax and if you want to talk with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
