I have lost quite a few family and friends to cancer, and there is a strange phenomenon that I have noticed and I wonder if you could shed some light on it for me, or perhaps some of the other commenters on this forum have maybe experienced the same thing.  I nursed my Mum through terminal cancer, and 6 weeks before she died, she seemed to get a burst of  life.  One day she got up, got showered and dressed and insisted that she wanted to go out and get some shopping.  I tried to persuade her that she wasn't well enough, but she insisted, and sure enough she went out and did some shopping.  However, a few days later she was ill again, and a few weeks after that, she died.  I have also seen this in other people that were near to death:  They suddenly seem to become well for a short amount of time, this might be a few days or only a few hours, and then they quickly deteriorate again and then they pass.  Has anyone else experienced this with the death of a loved one?  And what is it that causes this sudden burst of life?

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry about the loss you have experienced with loved ones. That can be hard to move on from and coping with grief can be a difficult time.

    The surge of energy in very sick patients you are describing is  known by medical professionals. This can be called a 'rally' or in dementia, it has been termed as a period of 'terminal lucidity' and can often mean that the end of life is near.

    Researching, not much is documented on this aspect of end-of-life, but this hospice in the USA has written about it on its website, so it may be interesting for you to read.

    I hope you are ok Blue girl. If you feel that your grief is overwhelming, then do think about contacting Cruse the UK Bereavement charity. 

    Take care and if you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • Thank you Sarah, that's very kind of you.  The only reason I am thinking about this strange phenomenon is that I am terminal myself, and  for months I have barely been able to walk.....in fact even getting as far as the bathroom to shower was a chore and took me ages, but last week I managed to walk to my local high road and back (it is a 15 minute walk each way), and it has kind of taken me by surprise, and it brought back memories of all the times I have seen this happen with loved ones.  It's okay, I am very much aware that I am living on borrowed time, and if the end is near, so be it.  I am at peace.  Naturally I want to live, but I am not afraid of death.  Thank you for your reply, x