Recent biopsies Lesion on left vocal cord

Hi there I am new on this site so a bit apprehensive. I am 47 year old female. I have been unwell on and off for the past 12 months with flu like symptoms,  head cold , sinus  like  and a cough . cold sweats exhaustion loss of appetite. I got made redundant from my previous job which was in an office last January. I found a new job , it's a very active position and involves a lot of walking so when I was losing weight I put it down to this. In the last year I've lost nearly 2 and a half stone. I also kept losing  tones in my voice. This last time my voice went completely. I went to see my doctor and he referred me on the fast track system to ent at my local hospital. I seen a specialist and she put a camera up my nose down into my throat. She saw something on my left vocal cord  and said it looked strange . She organized for me to get a camera and something else done at the same time sorry I can't remember the name of the procedure . Its all abit much to be honest.  I've had this done and biopsies taken. I was just abit shocked as after id woken up from the anesthetic the surgeon who did it came to see me and told me that he thinks it's cancer of the voice box . Obviously I was shell shocked as I was on my own when he said this . I thought that I had to wait for biopsy results before they can tell you ? Is this the normal procedure ?. I'm terrified as both my mam and dad are deceased , there's only me my husband who is in heart failure and has lots of co morbidities and my 19 year old son. I am my husband's carer and also work part time . At the moment I am on the sick as I am feeling awful. No other family to support us.  Wondering what will happen when I see the specialist, and is it even confirmed diagnosis without biopsy results ? . Sorry it's a lot I'm babbling just feeling very scared confused and alone at the moment. 

  • Hello Tracy, and thank you for posting.

    I am so sorry you are going through all of this, so stressful for you all.

    Until the biopsy results are back, nobody can say 100% what they are dealing with. The surgeons may indeed get a feeling for what they are seeing, but even so, the result of the biopsy is the final answer.

    I am afraid that until they get all of this information, it is the waiting game, which I know is incredibly hard. When you do see the specialist I expect them to go through your results and your symptoms with you, and talk through what might happen next. But at this point, it is difficult to say.

    Take care, Tracy and as you get more information, call the nurses on the helpline for support if you want to talk things through.   The number is Freephone 0808 800 4040, and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.
