If you damage a melanoma, will it spread? (Almost certain I have skin cancer)

Almost a month ago now I noticed a new freckle on the thin layer of skin that connects your nail to your finger. It was very tiny but very irregular, so I decided to keep an eye on it. Because it was on such a thin layer of skin - on top of the nail - it was accidentally picked off and most of it came away. I was worried about this because I thought that if it was cancer it would be very harmful to damage it. There was a very tiny, barely visible part of the freckle still left, which has remained unchanged for weeks until last night. I woke up this morning and it has turned into what looks like a blood blister (but tiny). It looks highly irregular and I can see clearly that it has come from the freckle. 

What I'd like to know is does sound like cancer to you, and do you think I may have triggered it to spread by picking it off. I am making a doctor's appointment after the bank holiday. I'm 24. 

  • I just wanted to add that the colour of it is red. When the original freckle appeared I thought it was a scratch at first. 

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    As we are not doctors we do not know what this might be.

    If you are concerned do make an appointment with your GP so your finger can be assessed. At your age, it would be more unusual for skin cancer to be the reason for this, but it's good to get changes checked out.

    I've added here the risks and causes of skin cancer if helpful.

    Take care and if you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
