Cancer and covid booster

A question for anyone if I may please? Have had Thyroid and right lymph node removed this Jan due to Cancer. Now have secondary bone cancer in the right shoulder.

I have received a message about having a covid booster jab.

Bearing in mind that every covid jab has given me side effects and my right shoulder / arm is in constant pain and I am on various pain killers - do I have the covid jab? 

Gp suggests that there should be no 'problems' but should seek advice from my oncologist nurse however any advice gratefully received.

  • Hello Marty, and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry that you are having problems with constant pain in your shoulder, despite painkillers, I would urge you to discuss this with your team.

    The COVID booster is there to stop those who are more vulnerable, like yourself, potentially being very ill with the virus if you catch it. So I am sure it would be recommended for you to have this, but it is your choice. As with all medications and treatments, it is about weighing up the risks and benefits to you. 

    Keeping yourself as well as possible, with the available treatments and vaccines, and getting your pain regime looked at, are all good things to discuss with your specialist oncology nurse. They know you and your cancer, so can be more specific. 

    Take care Marty and if you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • I asked when I was having Chemo today if I could have the Covid booster as I had received an invite and they said yes.

    I have had all the other Covid injections too.