What to expect next

Just had hysteroscopy and biopsies taken today. I am 42 no periods for 2 yrs plus other signs of menopause

Internal scan showed thickened endometrium 8mm

how long should results take?

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to hear you are waiting for biopsy results.  Waiting for the these can never be easy so I hope you have some support at this time.

    It may take around 2 weeks to get the results. However, because the NHS is very busy it might take a bit longer.  If you have a further hospital appointment coming up you may get your results then.

    I hope you don't wait too long.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
