2 week post op discomfort, advise please

Hello. I am 2.5 weeks post-op for wide local excision of a 1.4cm ( total of 2cm removal) of DCIS at 7/8pm position of right breast. I have experienced mild pain which has disappeared now however I am experiencing what I think is nerve pain which is reminiscent of the let down reaction in breastfeeding. The nipple and whole breast is experiencing this tingling numb discomfort which gets stronger in the evening. Although I understand that this will last some time, is there any advise to cope with this discomfort as analgesia doesn’t help. Also I know I can shower, but how long do I wait before I can relax in a bath. Thankyou for answers, in advance x

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Sometimes, superficial nerve endings can get inflamed or damaged after breast surgery, and this can take some time to resolve.

    Wearing a supportive bra can help, and sometimes, this also means wearing a bra when sleeping. Do ask your GP to see if different painkillers may help.

    Applying a warm wheat bag to that area for a while may help.

    You will have to check with your hospital breast care nurse about when you can bathe, as they can advise you specifically, as they are directly involved with your clinical care. 

    I hope that it improves for you soon.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello. Thanks for your reply. I am now three weeks and three days post op and I wanted to ask if I can wash directly on the wound yet? Thanks in advance

  • Dear Nanniebear

    Thank you for your further post,

    I am sorry, but we cannot say if it is OK to wash the scar as we are not involved in your clinical care. Your team at the hospital is better able to advise you. So do have a word with your breast care nurse. You may need to leave a message but they should get back to you.

    Take care, all the best
