Abnormal FIT test result

Hi there,

I have been told today that my FIT test result is 52 ug Hb/g and that I have been referred to the colorectal team (2 week urgent pathway) for suspected cancer. What can I expect next? I am trying not to worry. Is there a specific FIT level that means cancer is more likely? 

Many thanks,


  • Next step will likely be a colonoscopy. 

    There are lots of things that can cause a positive FIT, not just cancer, so hopefully they will be able to rule that out for you. If not then (like me) at least you know and can get treated.

    Try not to get hung up on the numbers - I don't think there is any correlation between them and the likelihood of cancer, there is just a threshold over which they need to investigate further.

    Bowel Cancer UK has a great forum and there are lots of posts on there from people having or awaiting colonoscopies and discussion about FIT results. Might be helpful for you.

  • Try not to worry - I had three FIT tests - first one was 112, second one was 129 and third one was over 200. I was really scared but after my colonoscopy I was told I had severe diverticulosis, hemorrhoids and either an inverted diverticulum or a polyp. I’m waiting to hear whether it’s a polyp that needs removing or whether it’s an inverted diverticulum. So as you can see there’s lots of things it could be. I nearly made myself ill worrying about what it might be and imagining the worse case scenario. Please try not to worry - I’m sure everything will be fine  - good luck x

  • Hello Charliemarie 24 and thanks for the post

    Try not to over think this result too much for now until you have some more tests.

    As others have said there are many reasons to have blood in the stools and most will be caused by something other than cancer. Many other inflammatory bowel conditions, infection, polyps and piles can also cause blood in stools.

    The FIT result and quantity of blood detected has no bearing on the chance of it being cancer, so i'm afraid it is a matter of sitting tight until you see the colorectal team. Often people who have a positive FIT will have some form of cameral passed through the bowel, usually a colonoscopy where they can inspect the bowel more closely to find the source of the bleeding.

    I hope you know more soon.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care
